Thursday, November 12, 2009

2009 Bonfire Night

"Come one, come all" we said, and despite some fairly miserable weather many of you accepted the invitation to view this year's Haddenham bonfire and fireworks display at Fairchild's Meadow.

By the time the bonfire was lit it was adorned by over two dozen guys, testament to the industrious nature of Haddenham's youngsters. And not just industrious but inventive too. Worth of particular mention was "Guy Forks", his arms adorned with implements that suggested he had been lulled to the field with the promise of a burger! In the end though this year's judge, Alistair Hull, decided on the best guy, and so, after a few technical hitches, the winners Zoe & Liam McGibbon finally consigned the bonfire and all who sailed in her to a fiery end.

With the fire nicely blazing away it was on with the show - and what a show! Once again the fireworks team did us proud, turning the sky a majestic array of colours while we "oooohhh"ed and "aaaahhh"ed below. Every year we imagine that the show can't be better than last year, and every year we are proved wrong. Well done guys.

And thank you also to the small army who helped set everything up, took it all down, and between times stewarded, cooked, served, stood by for emergencies, cooked and served some more and did the myriad of other jobs that enable us to continue to put on this staple of the village calendar. We honestly couldn't do it without you.

Not that we came away completely empty-handed. We appear to have acquired a child's hat and a pair of gloves that were parted from their owners. If you are missing them, contact me:

(you can use the same contact if you want to help us during our fund raising during the year or at next year's event).

We look forward to seeing you all in 2010.

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